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Alpha v0.2: Second day patch

Staff Only
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


Thanks to everyone who is supporting us in any way and thank you (the person reading this) for showing interest in our game :)

We worked on this update for a few days and achieved following:

  • Tutorial 
  • Drag and drop on the dungeon map
  • Fullscreen option


We wanted to add tutorial at first release, but just remembered about it by the time we uploaded an archive. Since our game is akin to boardgames, it is essential to have some sort of rules overview. The current tutorial system is pretty simple, but teaches you about all aspects of the game. We had different versions of the tutorial and decided to make as it is for consistency between different screens.

Drag and Drop

We heard from some players that the dungeon map looks like it should be draggable. At first we had some architectural difficulties implementing it, mainly because it is possible to drag map holding a dungeon node and it could register a click. Because of it at first it was only possible to gain an overview of the dungeon by scrolling a mouse wheel. Now, nodes don't register a click if you hold LMB and drag.


It's just a regular borderless fullscreen option. If you are developing in Godot with C# here's the snippet:

private static void MakeFullscreen()
    OS.WindowBorderless = true;
    OS.WindowSize = OS.GetScreenSize(OS.CurrentScreen);
    OS.WindowPosition = Vector2.Zero;

This is just a QoL update, but we hope to release contents update in the near future, so stay tuned :)

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