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Game Jam Version and Promotion of this forgotten good Jam

Published the 12 July 2020.

The first version was for the full Moon jam "Time travel" Thematic made in three days and not two weeks.

No Time to do an other thing that a new runner because I was a new programmer. I had made my second game (a runner too, for an other Jam)

a few days before, so within the Timeline of both Jam. So, I took a skeleton code from that previous game ("Neon Matrix Prototype") and heavily modified and improved it.

My procedural generator for "An Other Day" was even far simpler that the previous one because it was time for me to use assets, and to stop to create all by myself.

However, to create all by myself was very instructive and I will come back to my first games one day (hopefully for you I never made the music).

The Time travel mechanics worked only near the end of the timeline (10 minutes), so I could travel in the time after 2 minutes in game as planned, and I published the game 25 seconds before the End of the game jam.

So the game was a little broken and created an empty temporal Zone, the player was lost in time until an event occurred at Time energy = 410 (410secondes).

All the other competitors made good games about this thematic, but the jam has been forgotten so few people know these good games. So:

Edit 09/13/2020: New version of the game: endless scoring mode  with 1 more time period (3 Time periods), two more musics, special effects, improved time period number 2. So, now with this endless mode you will be stuck in time forever, if you don't die before the end of times of course. End of Time, coming soon.


  • An Other Day v1.0.First Jam 26 MB
    Jul 15, 2020
Download An Other Day: a Time Travel Adventure
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