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v0.9: Sex Slaves in Space

Space Whores
A browser game made in HTML5

Space pirates have been raiding undefended planets for their most attractive young men and women, and in Space Whores v0.9 you can now buy sex slaves. Slaves can't quit and you get to keep 100% of their earnings, but in general they are harder to keep happy (and therefore gain XP more slowly).

All slave-related content can be toggled on or off when starting a new game, in case you're not into that. Since I was adding game content options I also added one to toggle off tentacle-alien customers. (The slave setting defaults to off, so if you load a save from an old version, you won't see any slave content.)

In addition to slaves, I've added the Genetic Surgeon, who you can pay to give whores new appearance traits. As with the Academy, you'll get an event inviting you to Genetic Surgeon when you pass a certain rep threshold. I've also added more flavor text to various parts of the game to make it feel more alive, including randomly-generated bios for whores.

New features (v0.9):

  • Added sex slaves, who can be bought from the new slave market recruitment site
  • Added the Genetic Surgeon
  • Whores now have randomly-generated bios
  • Added more flavor text to the Academy
  • Added more flavor text to the recruitment sites
  • Added game-start options to disable tentacles and slaves
  • The game now remembers the settings you select at game start and defaults to them next time you start a game
  • Added 2 new customer events

Changes to existing features:

  • Reduced the reputation requirement to unlock the Academy
  • Groups of customers no longer have an increased effect on reputation per customer, they only pay more
  • Customer traits that adjust rep changes (influential and unpopular) should now effect rep changes from customer events involving that customer
  • Sending a whore to entertain the maintenance robot controller only occupies them for one period, not all night
  • Increased money reward from Xenosexologist event
  • Whores from the Wanted and Xenosexologist events can no longer be sent to the Academy or Surgeon
  • Changed how whore stats and traits are generated from the recruitment sites; whores from higher-level sites should have more desirable traits as well as better stats
  • Various bug fixes

Patrons now have access to version 0.10, which lets you pick your character's name and gender and pick from one of several backgrounds that grant different bonuses.


  • 218 kB
    Sep 02, 2020
Download Space Whores
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