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The Beggar King and Other Stories

A downloadable game for Windows

Across the marketplace, you see a beggar sitting motionless atop an elephant. The man is emanciated, looking more like a bunch of bones in a leather sack than a human. The elephant is sumptuously decorated, covered in gold and jewels and the finest linens. Appearances can be deceiving, of course. The beggar is a king and the elephant his kingdom. If you approach, he will tell you his story...

The original pitch for this game was to "Protect your caravan from monsters while trading exotic goods with colorful characters." With this update, I'm finally getting to those colorful characters. Mediocre alchemists, prodigal horses, beggar kings, herpetologists, and more await you. If you help them out, they'll return the favor and unlock powerful buffs and abilities for you to purchase.

Full patch notes:
--   A quest system - hear the stories of strangers and help them with their troubles.
--  An upgrade system - as a reward for helping others, increase your own combat prowess.
--  A new power system - Activate abilities to give you the edge over foes.
--  A new camel naming system - give each camel a sweet name when you increase the size of your caravan.
--  A new level up system. Learn the backstory of each Name that you earn. Unlock new abilities as you learn more about their histories.
--  Better chest and loot variety - find exotic coins, camel salve, and other items inside chests.
--  Improved UI and animations for the title screen, status screen, and quest screen.
--  Improved UX for character dialog - typewriter effect on dialog + vocal sound effects
--  Improved animations - better walking animation, added in death animations for enemies
--  Miscellaneous bug fixes.
--  Miscellaneous bugs.


  • Caravana Demo Windows 52 MB
    Version 5
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