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It begins..

Estate of the Damned
A downloadable game

Hi Anyone,

As an opener I probably should give a more in depth breakdown of 'the plan', but it's late so I'm going to jump straight into clips.

SO, the idea is a survival-horror in the style of PS2 games of old, hence the internal resolution is far lower than the screen resolution to introduce the jaggies. Texture resolution is similarly low, but will see whether I stick with it. For now I am mostly working on getting a few rooms fleshed out so I can prototype the player/enemy/puzzle/inventory mechanics without it looking ENTIRELY terrible.

So what this shows is a crude but working area-based camera switching control system. I toyed around with some volumetric lighting but I wasn't happy with it but will come back to it later. For now I will settle for abusive amounts of bloom (That I don't think the PS2 actually had but whatever) and glow.

Besides the camera switching, I am also happy with how my candles came out for now using a deform shader to give the slight motion and just using several flat plain textures.

Player character is a model I threw together for a different prototype, hence the janky animations and obviously out of place style.

Download Estate of the Damned
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