is community of indie game creators and players


First Dev Log

After creating my last game and .net experiment one, I wanted to create a game that would push me to learn more...

The obvious step to me was a platformer. Why? Because the camera moves.

The camera moving adds a new challenge when developing a game because it means the camera and the canvas the game is actually drawn upon, would have to be seprated.

My solution of course is the camera will be represented by a rect and every object has a corresponding rect... when the rects overlap we draw them on the camera in a way that is relative from the objects position to the camera position and the objects size in comparison to the camera.

With abit little difficulty I got that up and running and metholically I added new classes and functions as I progressed in developing this game, meanwhile thinking many steps ahead, keeping track of what that code might also be used for in the future...

One really intresting thing I learned when doing this was about how in c# you can write "operators" for your classes... providing amazing functionality to allow your classes to: multiply,  divide,  add and subtract with other classes and your own classes... and even cast your custom classes to other classes and vice versa... really cool functionality. I did not come across something like this in my experiences with Java... I will be intrested in knowing weather java has an equilence or not... but its 3 am when im writing this log... so its gonna have to wait...

Anyway Caitlyn out....


  • Pixel 38 kB
    Aug 28, 2020
Download Pixel Bot (.Net Experiment #2)
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