Posted December 06, 2017 by WhyNotYT
Now, Here is the Long Awaited... (Not Really) Alpha 2.0
Patch Notes:
Main Features: -Added Options Menu -Added Super Mega Hyper Ultra Power Up that you get by killing the last Boss.
Menu Changes:
-Added Options Menu -Added Resolution Switching -Added FullScreen Switching -Added Vsync Toggling -Improved Menu Layout
Gameplay Changes: -Sheild Time Reduced to 3 Seconds from 10 -Killing Enemies Grants 5 Ammo (Previously 10) -Bosses Spawn with 400 More HP -Missile Consumes 7 Ammo (Previously 5) -Enemies Get Progressively Faster As You Get Kills -Killing Bosses gives you 30 health (Previously 50) -Killing Bosses gives you 100 Ammo -Picking Up a Sheild When you have your Sheild Active will Increase the Overall Duration of the Sheild Other Changes : -Bug Fixes -Added Feedback Center -Added Help Page If you have any Questions... E-mail us at: Or, If you want to Donate. Our Bitcoin Address: 19NVhPkgipWJ5yRuozQDkkpZhmewygqEYZ
In a nutshell, The Game is more Balanced and The UI is Vastly improved and finally there is a Settings Menu Yay!