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Little Burned Maiden
A downloadable scrappy game project for Windows and macOS


It's been a very emotionally turbulent journey for me.  Wow. I can't believe I just hit that upload button. But I did it! Please let me know if you have any issues... I will do what I can.

Despite being a writer, I don't think I can properly express my gratitude and the warmth I feel from the support from all of you. I'm very new to this "professional game dev" thing and I struggle with the emotions which go into it all the time. It's a lot of ups and downs. It's days of wonder and joy at the latest features--hearing sounds, seeing dialogue, seeing people play and react to the game. And it's days of despair--banging my head against walls of code, bugs appearing in code that has not been changed, finally implementing a feature only to find that it is worthless... But I kept going. I kept going and I put the game up for pre-order. I didn't even think the game was worth a dollar--I charged more only because I've been assured artists chronically undercharge for their work. But then when you all started pre-ordering and leaving $2 or $10 or $30 or $50 dollar tips... I felt like I had achieved something.

Then, even more special than your monetary support was the reaction of playtesters. Those of you who played the whole game and then asked me in-depth lore questions about all the characters. Those of you who patiently tried to beat the final boss while it was (and perhaps still is) deeply broken. Those of you who played for 3 or more hours through laggy, poorly optimized code just to see what I had created. Then you laughed and smiled and told me I was doing okay... This means so much. I keep saying it, so now you're getting jamais vu, but thank you, thank you, thank you!

My game is deeply flawed. But you have been brave enough to look past it to play this game and support me. Thank you.

Little Burned Maiden is a silly, arcadey game about murdering people and eating food. But it's also about how humans are deeply flawed creatures and have many unexpected sides. It's also about how people with power abuse that power to get what they want, and how that hurts the people in their way. It's about how people who seem awful are just doing their best and people you idolize might not be all you want them to be. Little Burned Maiden is all of these things and yet, it also is what it is on the surface--just a small, quirky little distraction from the much weightier events happening in our world. My job as a glorified toymaker carries very little weight these days but I hope I can bring some amount of delight to you.

Little Burned Maiden has meant a lot to me over the last 8 months, as small and unpolished of a project as it is. I hope that some small part of what it meant can be imparted to you.

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