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The infinite update

A downloadable game

Hello! I'm Carlos and you're reading the third development update of Evertower Lite. As I said in last post, this month has been way less intense than last one. Sadly, I couldn't implement all the things I wanted to yet, but I still made much progress. So, let's get started!

Infinite gameplay

Now, dungeons will generate a door to the next level! Crossing this door will trigger dungeon generation again, refreshing the dungeon. It'll also increase the difficulty of the dungeon, increasing some stats of the monsters that you'll have to fight. It also increases their loot.

Each monster is affected by difficulty in a different way. For example, Blob will gain resistance and extra HP while Bat swarms will gain extra damage and extra healing multiplier. This makes each enemy feel more unique.

Hold on!

As you can see in the screenshot above, there's now a pause button, which lets you pause the game! In this pause menu, you'll be able to exit the run at any time. And you'll also be able to edit your starting deck if you're not currently on a run.

Did you say deck edit?

Yes! After half a year of development, you can finally edit your starting deck. To edit it, you'll have to Unlock a new permanent upgrade, which will allow you to enter the deck editing panel. Once in this panel, you'll be able to create a starting deck with the cards that you've already unlocked.

To make it fair ( prevent the player from creating an overpowered deck), you'll have a limit of 136 magic dust, meaning that you can add as many cards as you want, as long as you don't surpass the dust limit. And if 136 dust doesn't seem enough, well, don't worry! With the help of the new permanent upgrades, you'll be able to increase this number up to 776!

New content!

New monsters

I've added two new enemies to the game!

  • Cave spider: Every game needs a spider, right? This little fella has two attacks:
    • Spider bomb: Deal 20 damage
    • Bite: Deal 20 damage and Poison the target, dealing an extra 10 damage over 5 turns.
    This monster can deal a lot of damage with its poison, as it can stack multiple times. Poison lasts only one battle.
    This monster has 80 HP, and gains 30 extra HP and 20% extra damage with each level.
  • Extinguish-bot: A fire extinguisher is attacking you? Well, you must be lit!
    • Extinguish: Deal 25 damage
    • Shield nova: Grant 20 shield points to all your team
    You might want to prioritize this monster, as you don't want it shielding all of its allies. It also deals a lot of damage with its attack!
    This monster only has 40 HP. It gains 20 extra HP, 10% extra damage and the power of Shield nova increases by 20 with each level.

New permanent upgrades

As mentioned before, you can now unlock deck editing and gain more dust to your starting deck with new permanent upgrades.

You can also increase your starting hand size and your maximum hand size, from (2-3) to (4-7), with two new permanent upgrades.

New spells

I didn't want to include this as first, as I had planned to add eleven new spells, but I only had time to add three. Although I'm still working on this, here's what I've been able to implement so far!

  • Meditate: (Arcane, 35 Mana) Remove up to three negative effects (like poison), and gain 10% of your total HP as a shield.
  • Infinite knowledge: (Arcane, 20 Mana, Fast) Draw three cards.
  • Tornado: (Tempest, 40 Mana, Fast) Deal 80 damage to an enemy. If it dies, recover 10 Mana and return this to your hand.

Minor changes

  • Discharge won't heal anymore; it'll instead grant you a shield based on the damage you did. (Tempest, 20 Mana, Fast) Deal 20 damage, gain all the damage you did as a shield.
  • Resistance has been slightly nerfed again.
  • Bat swarm's spells had their damage increased.
  • Tempest boomerang's damage has been adjusted, from 40/50/75 to 50/60/75

What to expect from future updates

The game's already looking good! I think its about time to ass some polish. So, this is my checklist for what I want to do next.

  • Music! Sounds! Right now, the game doesn't play any sound at all. I've never created any sound effect at all, let alone a music piece. But it is about time we change this...!
  • More content. Much more, actually. I still have some spells planned, and some other legendary items which should make it to the next update.
  • Boss fights! Maybe not in the next update, but this certainly is something that has to come. I should start preparing everything to implement this, which, honestly, shouldn't be that hard.
  • Polishment, in general!

The game is reaching a point where it is playable and somewhat enjoyable. This is great! I don't have a big audience yet, and I haven't received much feedback either. I want to release a beta soon, maybe in two months from now. But I do need people to try it, other than my friends and family. I don't want to sound desperate because, honestly, I'm not, but I'd really appreciate a follow on my twitter account. Also, check out my new account, where I'll post information about the game!

And that's all for this month! Thanks for reading!

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