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BibiGame - 0.4.0 Pre-Alpha Huge Update

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

As time progresses the Bibi Game approaches it's Alpha state, which will be released in the next update. The main focus of the alpha release will be the beginning of work on Bibi's main campaign and finalizing the world, areas and environments. On top of that, an official website will be created and will contain all news and updates regarding the game. Once the alpha is out, players will gain access to the first campaign level of Bibi's story and many arcade levels to experiment with gameplay and mechanics. Finally once the Alpha is out, a steam page will be created.
The campaign is already all planned out and soon enough work will begin.
Sharing the Bibi Game is very helpful to the development and quality of the game and is much appreciated.


What's new:

- Menu:

A brand new slick design for the menu, a new “What’s new” button that’ll show you all of the latest patch notes. The “Play” button is no longer considered “In development”. And last but not least there’s an official “BibiGame” logo that’ll be displayed in the main menu. If you try to quit the settings window without saving the changes you’ve made a pop-up window will appear asking whether you want to save the changes you’ve made or not.


- Enemies:
The more you shoot "Hamutzim", the faster they spin.
An all new enemy movement system has been integrated into the game. Enemies now move more smoothly and will no longer spawn too close to the player.


- Power ups:
A new animation when a power up appears.
Redesigned power ups in Trump’s shop and in-game.
New animations when picking up power ups.
Power ups were significantly nerfed.
You can choose which power ups you want to use through Bibi’s room.


- Bibi’s Limousine:
Welcome to Bibi’s Limousine. A sweet ride you’ll be able to find in every major city. if you dare get close to it, furthermore click on it, a glorious window will appear and in it you’ll be able to travel to every city you wish to go to (and the United States).


- Game World:
Currently, the world is planned to have nine cities from Israel, in which you’ll be able to visit the most popular places in Israel. In every street there’ll be something to do, whether it’s buying things from a merchant, entering a level, driving your limousine, decorating your Bibi’s own unique room, easter eggs etc. (Because the game is not even in alpha yet, most of the cities are locked but will be unlocked in later versions of the game. Tel-Aviv and the United States are currently open but they’re yet to contain the full amount of content they’ll contain when the game is released).


- Leaderboards & Arcade Levels:

Every level has its own leaderboard, playing at a higher difficulty will reward you with more points per kill, and also more Shekels. You can submit your score on the leaderboard after finishing a level. Also, your scores will be saved in your game, therefore even if you have no internet at the moment of submission, you’ll be able to upload it later when you have access to the internet.\




- Auto Shoot:
When turned on, you’ll immediately start to shoot when aiming with a controller, this option is turned on by default but you can always turn it off in the settings window.


- Auto Save:
The game will automatically save when finishing a level and when entering a city. This option is turned on by default but can be turned off in the settings window, but that means you’ll need to manually save the game every time.


- Graphics quality setting:
If you have not that strong of a pc you can set the graphics on low and it’ll be easier to run the game.


- Key Bindings:
Key bindings let you choose which keys and mouse buttons do what. For example, if you want right click to shoot instead of left click, just go to Settings - Key Bindings and bind shoot to right click. (This feature works for all controllers as well).



Trump’s Shop:

- The shop was redesigned.
- A new cool effect appears when trying to buy something but not having enough money, and when trying to buy a product that reached it’s max level.
- A new “exit” button.
- 3 different hats have been added. The first is a tembel hat (round brimless hat) with the word “lifeguard” on it. The second is a plastic magician’s hat. The third is an israeli tembel hat that is also the most expensive hat, currently standing at 999 shekels.
- 3 New trails have been added, the most expensive one costs 999 shekels.
- The fire rate upgrade costs more.
- A new “Damage” upgrade, that can be bought 5 times before it reaches max level.
- Power ups cost more.



Nerfs And Buffs:

- Power ups spawn significantly slower. 
New Spawn Time: (20s Easy, 20s Normal, 20s Hard, 20s Hardcore)
Old Spawn Time: (10s Easy, 12s Normal, 15s Hard, 15s Hardcore)
- “Hasinut”’s fire rate has been decreased from 1500 RPM to 750 RPM.
- Power ups are activated for 6 seconds instead of 8.




- Couldn’t use dash if not moving.
- Ammo wouldn’t get refilled after a power up ended.
- The Hamutzim death animation wouldn’t play once they’re dead.
- A bug that caused the cursor to disappear when Bibi died.
- The “save” button did not save the progress you made.
- After a power up has worn off, the magazine size would remain the same.
- When playing with a controller it was possible to reload your gun and shoot at the same time.
- When playing with a controller the crosshair would sometimes disappear or get stuck.
- Dash did not work if the player moved diagonally.
- Dash wouldn’t work when playing with a controller



Additional Changes:

- The game is now easier to run, so low-end computers will have better performance.
- Restore Default Settings is a button in the settings menu that resets every change you made to the default settings.
- The train tickets no longer need to be bought, the train will be free to use.
- Bibi’s room will not be empty if you did not buy an upgrade from trump’s shop.
- The reload animation is 2 times shorter.
- Reload screens will appear when saving or loading a save.
- A new look for Bibi’s hp display.
- In hardcore difficulty, the hp will not be displayed since you’ll be killed the first time you’ll be hit.
- When buying a product from trump’s shop, it’ll be automatically equipped, although you can still change your Bibi in Bibi’s room.
- A new fresh design for Bibi’s room.
- A slick loading screen will appear every time you save your game, load your save or save your settings.
- The movement is more responsive and accelerates faster.
- The higher difficulty you play, the more Shekels you’ll earn.



  • BibiGameWindows 231 MB
    Aug 12, 2020
  • BibiGameMacOS 234 MB
    Aug 12, 2020
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