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An update on character models (and some creepy stuff) :p

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Greetings everyone. I am almost finished with the latest update, yay!!! :D

So from the previous post (whoever read it) as you know (or not), i was working on another personal project, which partially succeeded and after that partial failure i returned to developing Evokers.

Before i started that other project and after it, i was busy trying to create character models for Evokers because until now i was using existing ones as place holders.

That meant that i had to learn how to use a 3D computer graphics program (that would be Blender) and then watch quite a few vids on MEtube. Now i wasn't new to Blender or Gimp (used for textures) as i had use them in the past, but never before did i use Blender to produce something i would actually use. I rendered some videos from some tutorials and even created a character (start to finish) but nothing i would use in a game. So the "odessy" began once i started creating characters for Evokers. The current character used is the 9th iteration of models and/or attempt in creating characters for Evokers.

I even tried to do hair (4) but i decided to leave that dragon asleep for now... These models are the result of different tutorials with the last one being from Imphenzia (thanks for the tutoriaaalalll!! :D) and i evolved the model a bit.

I ended up with that process because i need to be able to "mass produce" at a decent scale while not creating animations all over again for each model. Before the last tut i didn't know it was possible to bind multiple models to one skeleton in Blender.... Knowing this now i can create almost any number for characters(with similar physique) and do the animation once.

It's not that animation was difficult but if the skeleton was not made properly (bones facing the right way) then rigging was bad and then animation was very bad. Think of it as a mathematical sequence, if the mistake is done at the beginning everything ends up wrong.... With this tut i also found out that you just import the skeleton and be done with it, whilst before it i was doing everything manually.

All that took a decent amount of time, well not 9 months but still creating the models and the animation and dealing with importing them and other related and unrelated (but developing related) pesky little problems... well it takes time. These models are not the result i wasn't for the finished product but they will work for now and i will change them as needed or create new ones (most likely), but I'm to move on i need something now and upgrade it later.

After the models where imported in UE i was setting up the materials and because of the default settings i came across this and i was like "Oh shit!!" screenshot it cause it reminded me of Saw (movie) meeting Cuphead or something along those lines hahahaha....

"You will join meeeeee booOOOooo" hahahah

And this is another terminator like... i don't know u make odds or ends with it :p
It never occur to me that low poly/stylized models could end up so.... weirdly creepee....

And finally, for now the character creation screen looks like this.

That's it for now. I'll release the update soon. Thank you for reading ;)

Until the next time, don't stop going :p

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