Posted August 03, 2020 by Quantam Studios
Quantam Studios is proud to announce the new update for TP Quest has just been released! New features include: Volume settings, Golden TP, a new power up "Time Freeze", an updated tutorial, player customization, and improved UI. I would also like to inform you all that this may be the final update of TP-Quest excluding bug fixes. On that note please inform me in the comment section if you encounter any bugs while playing.
<Next Project>
The next project I will take on is re-coding my science fair project, "Simulating Natural Selection to Determine Which is Better: Sexual or Asexual Reproduction". This includes making my code not suck because when I originally made it I had two weeks before regionals so it is all spaghetti code. I will also be adding a few more features to make it more interactable for a user. I don't know when I will release it, but i'll keep you guys updated.