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UAC Verison 0.4 Released

Unnamed Adventure Clone
A downloadable game

Right, so apparently the last update's devlog didn't actually get posted. Unfortunate. You really didn't miss an awful lot.

Well, I say that.

New features (Since 0.2):

-Attack animation

-Maze generation

-Color scheme changed to be far more understandable and easy on the eyes

-Maze is now 5x5 instead of 10x10 (It was just too big to be fun to navigate before)

-Total enemies in the maze decreased from 10 to 5 (Yes the enemy density, but I was planning to do that anyway.)

Bug fix:

Debug mode can now be turned off

In regards to the color scheme switch, the player character is now a bright blue, your weapon is green, and enemies have not changed color. Maze walls are gray, and the rooms are black, except for the win room, which is white.


  • 14 MB
    Aug 01, 2020
  • 12 kB
    Aug 01, 2020
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