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What is the Adventure Kit?

Adventure Kit
A downloadable asset pack

You have an idea for an amazing game and Adventure Kit will help you get there.

This code was created by Omar Hill to cut down on the development time in creating games on Unity. It features all the basics to get you started.

1) Title Screen - Welcomes you character to the game!

2) Character Select - Choose from one of three characters.

3) Game level - Play your game!

This is where things become awesome. Adventure Kit allows you to easily customize your game.  Depending on which character your player chooses you can start them in different locations, have  alternative dialogue given, and even different quests. Of course keeping track of quests mentally is a pain, so Adventure Kit has a built in quest tracker.

That is not the only features it has, multiple cameras, multiple weapons, (sword, bow, bomb) and touch screen UI.

Naturally you do not want all of this simply thrown on your screen, so I added in a basic UI and a neatly organized system menu.

This is a lot so included is a system documentation which tells you how to set up new characters using characters and animations of your choice. The code is neatly documented so if you want to improve you know which lines may be modified and what does what.

Life is an adventure, with adventure kit the path is easier!

Download Adventure Kit
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