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Version 1.5 changes

A downloadable game

Version 1.5 includes a batch of new buildings as well as some general balance changes, and a few bugfixes.

Six new unlockable buildings have been added to the game!

Tesla Coil damage increased 50 > 60, damage per charge increased 50 > 60

Super Sentry Gun projectiles are now semi-piercing - if they would overkill a target, the projectile will carry over the rest of the damage towards any enemies behind it.

Proximity Mine damage increased 750 > 900, and radius increased slightly  76 > 84

Scattergun Turret projectiles now bounce once if they would hit a wall inside the turret's range

Sentry Gun and Temporary Sentry damage increased slightly (8 > 8.4)

Temporary Sentries now drop 50 materials when they are destroyed

Buildings are now recoloured better when unavailable to build (red) or building (green)

Fixed a memory leak involving enemy pathing.

Fixed a visual bug with Slow Beacons

General AI fixes and optimisations. changes:

-Game window can now be resized

-Windows close button is now disabled when game is unpaused.

-Fixed a very rare bug that could cause AI to try to move into walls after placing a wall, which caused the game to freeze. In addition to fixing this bug, if an enemy ever finds itself inside a player-created wall, and it can't find a way out, the wall will be destroyed (this is a failsafe to prevent the game from freezing, it should never normally happen)

1.5.2 changes:

-Cannon Tower damage 12 > 13 and range 254 > 262

-Slow Beacon range 298 > 340

-Minion Factory minion damage 65 > 80

-Proximity Mine radius increased again 84 > 96

-Proximity Mine and Buff Pad can now be placed underneath enemies

-Scattergun Sentry damage 8 > 9

-Repair Beacon range 260 > 248

-Airstrike Beacon kills now properly count towards Flame Shooter progress

-Fixed Mutator Gun AOE colour being default black, is now pink

-Blueprint drop chance decreased slightly

-Fixed Scattergun Sentry bounce range not being increased by range bonuses

-Player shotgun weapon projectiles now bounce once at close range, similarly to Scattergun Sentry

-Fixed Mutator Guns gaining XP from repairing buildings

-Fixed Mutator Guns gaining XP from producing boxes

1.5.3 changes:

-Added fast forward button. Press F to toggle. Will deactivate if you move or take damage. This raises the framerate so your mileage may vary depending on how good your computer is and how many enemies there are but I'm sure the majority of computers can handle this for the early nights which is what this feature is intended for. Might set the framerate to a weird value if you don't have a 60HZ monitor and VSYNC is on, so I recommend turning it off.

-Enemy health scaling now ramps up linearly from 1x base value to 1.5x base value on Night 11 on Hardcore mode, instead of being fixed at 1.5x like it was previously. This should give a bit more leeway on Hardcore for the initial setup of your base. Nights 11 and beyond are identical to previous versions.

-Material box spawns per night on Hardcore mode increased by 2

-Mine damage 900 > 999

-Super Sentry Gun cost increase 500 > 400

-AOEs are now slightly more lenient instead of only calculating if the midpoint of each enemy is inside the circle.

-Close window button enabled when you die.

-Fixed Airstrike visual range circle not being centred properly. This is purely a visual fix; the actual range was always correct

Last update for a while probably unless I break something and need to hotfix it.

1.5.4 changes:

-Fixed indirect kills not counting towards Fire Shooter progress. This also meant that Mortars couldn't progress this at all since their projectiles never "directly" hit anything. Since this is now much easier to progress, requirement has been increased from 100 to 200

-Sniper player weapon upgrade damage 145 > 150, and is now semi-piercing (like Super Sentry Gun)

-Damage penalty for AOE towers in Arcade is reduced slightly: damage dealt 0.667x > 0.75x

-Proximity Mine cost 75 > 50

-The cap on health regen per second for Buff Pads increased from 40% to 50% of your max HP

-Bulldozer (slow, contact damage enemy) move speed very slightly reduced 1.9 > 1.8

-Fixed rare circumstances where a spawn would fail due to not enough space which froze the game (usually happened in Arcade on certain maps) if it cannot find a spawn it will spawn on top of structures or nearer the player as a last resort

-Spawnling base HP 23 > 25

-Tesla damage per charge increase per level 12 > 15 plus now they also gain a very small fire rate increase per level (-2 reload time frames per level)

-Pulse tower base damage increased 27 > 30

-Grinder pull speed per level significantly increased, 0.1 > 0.175

-Added frogs.

1.5.5 changes:

-2 new unlockable towers!

-Airstrike Beacon range 456 > 472 and area of effect 156 > 164 (per level 16 > 17)

-Fire Shooter unlock requirement 200 > 150

-Mark Turret's XP requirements per level have been reduced

-Temporary Sentry cost 125 > 100, materials dropped on destruction 50 > 25

-Enemy HP multiplier in Weekly mode 1.1x > 1.15x (this will take effect starting on Week 108)

-Railgun Turret damage 16 > 17

-Cannon Turret projectile speed 8.25 > 10

-Enemy health scaling revamped slightly for nights 45+. Nights 45-57 will be a little harder than before, but not much more. Nights 58+ will not scale so drastically anymore though the scaling is still quite heavy at these nights.

-Tweaking enemy projectiles: Unused Bulldozer shot sprite now given to the boss to make its shots stand out more. Shotgunner now uses the smaller shot graphic (since it shoots many projectiles) and Shielders now use regular sized shots.

-Player's maximum HP scaling increased from 1% to 1.5% per night.

-Sentry Gun and Temporary Sentry range 286 > 300

-Gatling Gun range 302 > 286

-Grinder pull speed per level 0.175 > 0.2 and XP requirement per level increased by roughly 25%

-Upgrade Beacon damage and range bonus 12% > 11%

-Mutator damage 14 > 13.7, fire delay 20 > 21, all damage levelups decreased by 0.1, area of effect upgrade 38 > 30, bounce levelup +6 > +5

-Pulse tower base damage increased 30 > 32

-In Arcade, Shielders can now spin anticlockwise as well

-Repair Beacon visual indicator now fades faster and is slightly more transparent

-Material Factory box rate increase per level +333 > +300

-Super Sentry damage increase per level +60 > +100, reload time decrease per level -4 > -3, and XP requirements increased slightly

-Materials spawned now increase by 1 every 3 nights after hitting the soft cap of 40, instead of being hard capped at 40.

-Pickups now gravitate towards you when close. 

-Bosses are now illuminated somewhat to stand out 

-Spawner base HP 150 > 170

-Missile Shooter XP requirements reduced slightly

-More music for those crazy enough to get to the super deep nights (45+)

-Bulldozer damage multipler against structures reduced slightly: 2.75x > 2.5x

-Increased the time between when an enemy spawns and when it can attack for non-flying enemies. It now also applies to the Bulldozer's contact damage against structures, but no longer applies to Spawnlings changes:

The boss enemy has received a mini rework. Previously newer players were unprepared for the boss because it ignored walls as it pathed towards the player and ruined their defense. It also devalued the wall as a defensive structure for rerouting enemies (as the boss would just ignore them) and could also be abused to stall the boss in late nights. The following changes seek to fix these issues while still retaining its ability to break formations and maze strategies, which will now require more materials or wall redundancies to maintain the maze.

-The boss no longer ignores walls in its pathing, and does not attack walls (unless there is no other route)

-The boss now passively deals damage to the player and all structures in a short radius around it. (27 damage/sec, doubled against structures and 2.5x against walls)

-Boss attack damage 18 > 16.5

-Boss base health 125 > 135 (still subject to the same scaling) (In Arcade mode, boss health multiplier 0.85x > 0.75x)

-Slow from Slow Beacons now affects the damage of Bulldozers and the boss's area of effect damage

1.5.6 changes:

-Day and night cycle are now slightly shorter (80s > 75s each)

-Enemy spawn rate increased by approximately 6.6% (to keep number of enemies and score approximately the same as before)

-Material Factory production rate adjusted to fit new day-night length (4800 > 4500, per level -300 > -281, which is once every 12h at level 0, the same as before) Also applied to Mutator Guns (7200 > 6750 from that specific mutation)

-Buff Pad XP requirements decreased, except for level 6 which is increased.

-Sentry Gun and Temporary Sentry damage 8.4 > 9

-Scattergun Sentry damage 9 > 9.45

-Boss base health 135 > 130

-Super Sentry Gun base damage 600 > 650, damage per level +100 > +105

-Proximity Mines and Airstrike Beacons now gain a (retroactive) 1.5% damage bonus per night after the first

1.5.7 changes:

Pulse towers had a tendency to create massive lag due to the amount of projectiles they create on the map. They're also rather undervalued by players to begin with due to their inconsistency. The following rework aims to solve both issues at once by transforming its projectiles from slow moving bullets into lightning fast beam projectiles.

-Pulse Tower projectile speed 2.8 > 30, base projectiles 14 > 18 (per level +2 > +3),  damage per level +0 > +1.6, range 312 > 322, and their projectile speed no longer changes on levelup

MortarMissile mazes aren't really keeping up with other strategies, and this is mostly due to mortars underperforming. Giving them a sizable buff to keep them relevant, as well as a slight buff to missile shooters.

-Mortar range 336 > 376,  damage 35 > 38, area of effect 90 > 108 (levelup aoe +16 > +19)

-Missile Shooter damage 16 > 16.6 (levelup damage +2 > +2.075)

Minion factories lack a niche, so giving them the ability to tank lots of enemy shots creates one.

-Minion Factory range 316 > 336, minion damage taken from enemy projectiles multiplier 1.5x > 0.75x

Mark turrets are very strong in the lategame, but this is to be expected as they're one of the best ways to reliably kill bosses. Reducing their earlygame strength means they will require more support early on.

-Mark Turret damage 10 > 8

Scatterguns don't have enough damage to compensate for their short range. Short range is part of their identity, so instead I'm increasing their dps further.

-Scattergun Sentry damage 9.45 > 10.4

In Hardcore mode players never get to fully upgrade their weapon due to runs being much shorter, so making upgrades more frequent makes sense.

-In Hardcore mode, get weapon upgrades every 6 days instead of every 8 days

A minor buff to player damage to make lategame days less risky. Players are still encouraged to increase weapon damage if they're struggling.

-After maxing your weapon, base weapon damage increases by 0.5% per day after that (this changes base damage, so all other multipliers multiply this) 

Spawners are one of the least threatening enemies, and the lategame is more about high DPS than it is about area of effect clear, so giving them more chance to spawn enemies solves both issues at once.

-Spawner movespeed 2.7 > 2.5, base health 170 > 185

Boss material drops become kind of irrelevant in the lategame due to how many materials one gets during the day, so I've added scaling to it.

-Bosses' material drops now increase in value by 50 every 10 days, in addition their value is doubled in Hardcore mode.

Mutators have always been strong due to their versatility, which is part of their identity, but they're too cheap for what they do. Airstrike beacons were not buffed when mines also had their cost buffed. Their costs are thus swapped:

Mutator Gun cost 300 >350

Airstrike Beacon cost 350 > 300

-Sentry targeting AI should be a little less CPU intensive now changes:

A mini update, this is mostly just to make the weekly leaderboard not require you to click a hundred times to scroll through it

-Weekly leaderboard now shows all weeks at once, with a column showing which week the run was done on.

-Temporary Sentries now drop 50 materials when they are destroyed (again)

-Flak Turret range 278 > 294

-Minion Factory minion damage taken from enemy projectiles multiplier 0.75x > 0.5x changes:

-Added a failsafe so that if a spawn fails too many times, the game cancels it instead of sitting on an infinite loop.

-Tesla Coil damage 60 > 65, damage per charge per level +15 > +16

-Minion Factory minion damage 80 > 85


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    Jul 24, 2020
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