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Flux v2.6 is live for Windows!

A downloadable Flux for macOS

2.6 notes:

  • A new series of dialogue is available via the drunk ambassador in the Glam Glam Bar (Keep your eyes peeled along the coast to the south of your apartment)
  • Increased the speed of dagger attacks slightly
  • Updated text for area transitions to say "head to/go to" instead of just providing the name of the area you'll go to for consistency/clarity
  • Fixed a save game load issue that wouldn't properly set your cosmetics and cause an odd graphical roulette (if you experienced this, reassigning your cosmetics fixes the issue)
  • Fixed a layering issue with the "reeling" player fishing animation
  • Added some windows to background walls~


  • Flux[Windows] 71 MB
    Jul 22, 2020
  • Flux[Windows].zip 72 MB
    Jul 22, 2020
Download Flux