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Introduction of Darefish

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


Because this game-jam runs for 2 months I want to share my progress also with devlogs. 

This is the very first time I'm creating a rpg game and it is the second time I'm doing a first-person-game. So with this project I probably will have to tackle a lot of problems I've never faced before. Actually I already tackled some! Let me explain what's already in place:

Creating a level in blender
Before I was doing some kind of prototyping within blender. But building a whole level is new to me. During the whole process I wasn't even sure if I'm doing it the right way. So I was very happy when I saw my level the first time in unity!

First Person Arms
Those caught me some headache! I wasn't able to set up a camera in blender with similar settings like one in unity. In the end it turned out that this wasn't even important. At least this is how I think about it right now.

This is something I'd no idea how that would work. Fortunately NodeCanvas is providing an awesome dialogue system which I'm using. The only thing I'd to do was to learn how it works. 

Up to know that is the most complex thing I've implemented within this game. I never implemented quest system before and in first step of course I did some mistakes. Fortunately they weren't that big. And since today I've a flexible quest system which is working like charm. 

This is not completely new to me but I've not that much knowledge about it. At the moment I use it when a gate opens.

May some of you know think: "ok. Cool. But what's about the game?" 

Unfortunately I can't tell much about the game because I don't know much about it :-P. You are playing an Alien on an Alien Island on an Alien Planet. You have to solve quests and fight the Darefishs. 

That is the rough story. Do you want to know more? At least I'd like to. But this is also the first time I'm writing a story for a game and I actually that is everything I have at the moment. 

If you want to get updates more often and frequently then follow me on twitter: 

If you know the german language and like to know more in depth technical details about the game then you also can follow me dev-diary here:

And here is a video which shows the game how it is right now. 

Download Darefish
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