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Demo launched! Oirbo devlog #62 - Path to boss done! Split/Merge Robo Overview

A downloadable game for Windows

Hi everyone!

We finally released the demo here on! You can download it right now and don't forget to let us know if you encounter any issues or just your comments and opinions of the game, feedback is always welcome (good or bad)!!

(Posted originally on our blog)

Another 2 weeks went by since our last devlog and we got a lot more stuff done \o/.

We finally ended the path to the Boss which is a huge milestone for the medical area and with it, all the enemies are finally implemented, designed, and fully animated. This last one was a complete pain since it was actually 3 enemies into one xD.

The Split/Merge robo is probably the most complex enemy we've made so far regarding technical and graphical work, the enemy itself is actually 3 different ones:

  • A simple patrol enemy (1e)
  • An enemy that runs to the player at high speed (2e)
  • An enemy that fires a projectile with an AOE explosion (4e)

The 1e doesn't have that much going on for it, it patrols the section it's at left and right, but the fun starts when it encounters another 1e:

And as you are probably expecting:

The concept behind this enemy is that if you don't clean up your mess, it will come back and bite you xD, because when you kill a 2e or 4e this happens:

They are a bit challenging to overcome but once you understand their patterns anyone can dispatch them pretty quickly. The main goal here is was just to cause a bit of panic and surprise in the first time the player kills the enemy, but after that initial surprise, the player will need to continually manage how he will interact with them on pretty much every section. So although they are part of the "combat" component of the game they also are a mini-puzzle every time the player encounters them. 

The split/merge robos will be very prominent in the rest of the area that we need to design, they work super well as small challenges on their own, but when conjugated with lasers or with the trap platforms they quickly transform a boring section into something exciting and a bit more challenging.

Besides the completion of the new and last enemy of the area, we also finished up the path that most players will take in order to reach the boss:

This was a huge milestone for us because the rest of the medical area won't be as compact as what we've done so far, the rest of the level design should be much more open beside the borders between the mechanical area so it should be a lot easier to design the floor plan.

The final achievement of these past 2 weeks was, yet another, wall jump animation redesign since we started making a few more sections that require it and we weren't happy with what we had before, so we just scrapped it and started over, for now, we like what we have, the next challenge is seeing if the current design passes the test of time xD.

Now, for the next couple of weeks, we will be working non stop to finish the med area, our planning demands it and we really want to stick with the plan we made, other than that we are also working on the collectible room (more on that soon on our daily shares).

As usual a big thanks for the support that everyone is giving us especially on the feedback and critic of the ongoing demo! Don't forget to join us on  Discord, Twitter, and wishlist the Oirbo on  Steam, below the usual gif reporting the current progress of the medical area! 


  • Oirbo Demo - Windows - 521 MB
    Jul 17, 2020
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