Posted June 26, 2020 by Matthew_Chapman
Señor Místico now has a Main Menu and a Pause Menu!
Main Menu
Complete with a Start Game to start the player's journey, Test Chamber to muck about in, Credits to rightfully reference the team's contributions and Quit to... well quit.
The majority of the buttons on the main menu use simple one or two node systems to open a separate level or quit the game. However, the Credits button uses a slightly more complex system of creating and adding a new widget to the viewport.
The Credits screen also has a simple button which re-opens the MainMenu level in order to return the player back to the main menu screen.
Pause Menu
The Pause Menu allows for the player to pause gameplay and gives them the option to either Exit To Main Menu or Resume gameplay. The player can open the Pause Menu by pressing Escape on keyboard or Start on an Xbox One controller, this first checks to see if the game is already paused and if false continues on to create a new widget with the class of Pause Menu before adding it to viewport and setting input mode to UI only, blocking the player from controlling the character whilst paused. This blueprint also shows the mouse cursor and sets keyboard focus to the newly created widget.
The Exit To Main Menu button uses a simple Open Level node to return the player to the main menu screen. On the other hand, the Resume button uses a custom event named "UnPause" to resume the gameplay, hide mouse cursor and set the input mode to game only, allowing the player to controller the character and continue on their journey.