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V0.0.1 Initial DevLog Update

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

General starting update. Added files and v0.0.1 to It will be a mess to try and summarize all the changes up until now since it will span across three months of development so I will try to summarize as best as I can. The goal was to finish the core mechanics of the game first to make the rest of development smooth since it will just be drawing, adding, and tweaking small things with a pre-existing foundation already built. I am confident that the majority of the core mechanics are finished with a few minor ones left that I don't expect to be a challenge. The rest of the time spent has been legal entity and development processes.

Finished Core Mechanics:

- Movement. Adjusted from basic input system that did not work well with collisions to one that is now much more smooth.
- Interaction with objects (doors, vehicles, inventory, furniture, entities). Note that some objects do not do anything but the base code for them to do such is there. If it has an outline when you hover over it, it has the foundation to be interacted with.
- Dynamic Depth. This may be re-worked in the future. Currently all objects base their depth on the Player's depth and adjust on the fly depending on the Player's y coordinate.
- Tile Collision and Editing. Most noteably, walking underneath a tile of a Roof and turning it transparent.
- Inventory. Started out with an array. Then a 2D array. Then an insane array within a 2D array. Final version now uses the god-send that is data structures and stores Item's ID and their Stack value (Stack being small rectangle below an item to show how much it contains or it's durability. IE, how much gas in gas can or how many more uses of a tool before it breaks).
- Phone GUI Menu System. The phone is what will basically be used for the menu where you can access Inventory, Settings, Health, Skills, Tutorials, etc.)
- Vehicle system. Requires fuel to travel to a location. Fuel calculates based on distance and MPG.
- World Data saving system. This one was a pleasant surprise at how quickly I made it. I expected roughly a month's worth of time spent on it but finished it in two days. Instead of using GameMakerStudio's native persistence (which isn't flexible enough for what I wanted to do), the game stores room data in a temporary save file, edits existing save information if needed, and can load or edit it on the fly.
- General Code Improvements. God bless ternary operators, accessors, clamp functions, and other functions that helped clean up needlessly complex expressions or equations.
- Vector Drawn Grass. Instead of 600 grass objects bogging down resources a singular grass object pulls GPU resources to draw vectors of grass without the expense of FPS.
- Delta Time system. Using the gap between frames to control animations and calculations instead of room speed. This ensures a uniform experience across devices of different capabilities, instead of favoring powerful machines.

TBD Mechanics : 
- Event Generator System.
- Player Save File. The base for this is already created with the world data save system. All that would need to be done is tailor it to include player information, player location, the aforementioned world data information, inventory and stats. Then adding that to three different save files using the save script that saves World Data.

The rest is simply drawing, adding, and coding interactions with children objects into the world, adding more rooms, polishing art assets, adding minimal cutscenes and events, and marketing the hell out of this thing.

Completed Legal and Developmental Processes :
- Create Legal LLC for Arctyx Creative Studios
- Create company website and domain
- Create and use email :
- Company Logo
- Create LinkedIn

TBD Legal and Developmental Processes : 
- Finish about me section of website.
- Finish website in general.
- Create Game Logo and Icons.
- Do whatever I'm supposed to do with an EIN.
- Finish the LinkedIn page.
- Marketing, marketing, marketing.
- Consider investment and/or publishing.


  • TDED v0.0.1.exe 17 MB
    Jun 17, 2020
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