Posted June 11, 2020 by Jaguar
In the midst of your fantastical night of nakedly strolling around the quiet neighborhood at night, it can be easy to forget something important: streaking is illegal. While being seen by others can be exciting, others might not take to your sight kindly. When word gets around—which it will—then Japan's finest will be brought in to investigate.
This is the first in a series of open discussions that I hope to have with the community to gather feedback of various mechanics before they are implemented. There is a lack of variety of NPCs, but the first—and most obvious—would be the police. The police would be tied to a new mechanic called notoriety. When you become too known, the police will be called in.
When an NPC sees you walking around town undressed, your notoriety meter will increase; the more undressed you are, the faster it climbs. When the notoriety meter is maxed out, the police will be called into the area to patrol the neighborhood, looking for you. While the police are patrolling, your notoriety will begin to drain. If it reaches zero, the police will leave the area having found nothing wrong. However, if they catch sight of you undressed while patrolling, they will give chase. If they get too close, you'll be arrested and the night will be swiftly over.
I am a bit mixed on adding police to my game. I want to keep the game fairly lighthearted, so I feel introducing police makes a bad end really bad. I want to keep the game about an exhibitionist girl's fantasy, so adding something very life-ruining like this seems antithetical to the original idea. It is the logical consequence of streaking, but I also find myself bound too much by common sense. I do like the notoriety mechanic and think it could stay; it's only the police that rub me the wrong way.
What do you guys think? Is the notoriety mechanic a good or bad idea? Should police be added as an immediate game over? Does police make the game feel like it darkens the lighthearted fantasy? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!