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Yep, still going!

Life is 2-D - Episode 1: Chrysalis
A browser game made in HTML5

For the last few weeks, I've basically gone back and largely redone or "upgraded" the graphics for the interior of Blackwell itself. ALL of Blackwell is actually done bar a few minor tweaks. I've redone the classroom to make it more accurate in layout and more detailed, the corridors now have these exciting and imaginative things called "lockers" added (which look like Neapolitan ice cream but anyway...), along with representations of the trophy cabinet (albeit from overhead), more character placeholders for ones that were missing (all of them in fact now), and more importantly *all* of the interaction dialogue I can reasonably squeeze in (even random things like the vending machine or cabinet - and the RA posters), including the "second run" variants. I've tweaked the bathroom scenes (very lightly visually and in terms of the scripted event stuff) and... Well, moving on to the Blackwell grounds doing the same now.

In short, things are looking better and "feeling" better.

Well... Looking slightly - very slightly - less basic, anyway. ;)

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