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Android Version Suspended

Traphouse Druglord
A downloadable game for Windows

Traphouse on Google Play was suspended. 

This was devastating news. We have had multiple people contact us and say that our game Traphouse helped them stay out of trouble, helped them cope in life, and was a way for them to get relief. That's what troubles us the most. People thanked us for making Traphouse for this reason and we took pride in knowing that our game was helping people. It may have had some controversial content which is why it was rated M. This game WAS NOT for kids and even though the content was controversial it's real stuff that happens everyday, is a real subject, and a real problem in many countries, but people are too ashamed to talk about it or want to ignore it because it doesn't fit their image of what the world should be like.

Traphouse was not built to glorify drugs. The whole point of the game was to get out of that lifestyle because your character in the game hated it.

We have a plan for this and we hope to bring Traphouse back to Google and with the changes it will also be eligible for IOS. We have more to come on this soon. The PC version is still going to remain the same and see some massive updates. The PC version will soon also be on Steam. We are excited about this, but have new challenges in front of us that is causing our workload to double, but we are working hard to bring this out as soon as we can 

Thank you!


  • 80 MB
    Dec 27, 2019
Download Traphouse Druglord
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