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Esoteric Update #94 - Pieces Fall Into Place

Esoteric ♥ Esoterica
A downloadable game for Windows

This week I continued working on various technical aspects of the game. The reason for this is two-fold. From one side I did not feel that well and couldn't do much work done elsewhere, from the other, I think I finally solved a massive problem with writing conversations for the game and might have also made it possible to do very dense social skill checks easily.

Both of those will be very handy in the future. And hey, I worked on other things here and there too, some lore, some articles, a little bit of smut. Just what I could squeeze into the moments where I didn't feel horrible.

In any case, I did a lot of programming embedded into grammatical structures. It's not the most advanced stuff I've done with this so far. That's still the random conversation code. But this did different things, and it also used the various elements I recently added to the API. Like the exposed selectors.

Now, I also have to sadly announce there will be no update next week. I have some heavy stuff at work, and I'm not going to have time to work on the game. Plus I foresee being very, very tired. I'll try to chip in here and there with coding when I can, or I might try to do some writing. But the main point is that it will most definitely be too little to be worth writing an update about. Plus it takes my mind off of another thing that I have to get done this week.

If everything goes well, I might take a summer vacation and just devote most of it to the game.

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