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The Dys-Connect

A downloadable game

The game (demo) is finally up and ready to go!
The concept was, well, pretty simple - a world in which everone has Augmented Reality on....all the time. It helps them with their day to day lives, but it also hides a lot from them - the dirty graffiti on the walls, the dead or dying bums laid in the street...anything that you wouldn't want to see. It also hides secrets from you - things that the AI overlords wouldn't want you to see - their cameras, the truth behind what they do, and more.

This game was made in a very short time, but I am still very proud of it.

The concept and core story came about when I decided to work with a team for the NeoCity game jam, and we built up an interesting little story and every a demo built in Unreal Engine 4. The experience on a whole was very educational as I learned how to make a menu system, a HUD, contextual interactions, animations and more - but sadly the game didn't get completed in time. A brief demo of the UE4 game (without a name) was made but lacked any narriative or setting. Two of the old team mates have stated that they wish to continue the project so hopefully something good will eventually come out of it.

Anyway, my game focuses more on the narrative and core concept - of an augmented reality that you (and only you) can turn on and off - which can be used to hide from the AI drones and cameras, or to see secrets passages or notes left by other rebels that the AI overlordds don't want you to see.  It is an interesting concept and one I would like to play with more - if this demo gets enough interest I may entend it to a much more complete game.


  • 216 MB
    May 27, 2020
  • DysConnect V0.2.rar 200 MB
    May 27, 2020
Download DysConnect
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