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v0.11.0 (The Helping Hand Update)

Astrominer (Demo)
A downloadable game for Windows

It's update time, y'all!

Be sure to delete your existing save files before playing this build. As always, if you run into any bugs please don't hesitate to reach out on Discord.

This is more of a general bug fix update than anything, however one new feature that I hope helps new players is the introduction of a simple tutorial "quest" system. It's super basic because I don't really want to tell the player what to do too much. Basically it gets the player to acquire the mig egg, hatch it, and then level up the mig so they are able to travel around more and enter the mig puzzles inside the mines. At this point the whole world is open for exploration and the player should (hopefully) now understand the core game loop. 

The quests appear in the lower right corner of the screen where the Daily Challenges are. Once you finish the tutorial quest, you instantly get access to the Daily Challenges.

In addition to the tutorial quest, I also did some gameplay tuning, added some new enemy variants, and tweaked some visuals to make the mines look more visually interesting. Now the light colors inside the mines reflect the biome they belong to.

Here's the full rundown of changes if you're interested:


  • Added a simple tutorial quest to help guide player's through the early game.
  • Made it so when a new item is added to the player's inventory it prioritizes adding the item to a non-front/back hand slot.
  • Fixed the slow degrade enhancement - the degrade amount was not being calculated properly.
  • Updated auto smelt tier 1 description to be clearer.
  • Made it so lights in dungeons now match their biome theme instead of all dungeons looking the same.
  • Fixed it so the player can bind the up/down arrow keys.
  • Updated key bindings to differentiate between number keys and num pad keys.
  • Fixed it so the callout UI bar displays on the Controls screen when accessing it in-game.
  • Reduced how many graps are given to the player when they dispose of non-craftable items (from 100 graps to 10). Crafted items still return a percentage of the purchase price based on the hp of the item - so you can get more for those.
  • Made it so some inventory items cannot be disposed of, such as mig eggs and keys. 
  • Updated texture page size from 2048x2048 to 4096x4096. I seem to be seeing a positive performance boost and no negatives so far. If we start seeing issues then I will revert it back.
  • Made it so if a mig collects XP when they are max level it counts as HP for the player.
  • Added a new error check with mine generation to (hopefully) avoid the rare case of empty mines spawned.
  • Added fire/ice/slime spider variants. The webs they spawn do buff damage in addition to slowing down the player.
  • Fixed an issue where a sound effect played continually when enemies hit an invincible object - mostly noticeable in slime mine.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies were not getting the correct level set upon loading a game. This meant really tough enemies would become super easy when you loaded a saved game.
  • Made it so spiders won't spawn webs on top of one another as much.
  • Made it so trap tiles (ice/lava) have a chance of starting revealed rather than waiting for the player to walk over them.
  • Made it so player/enemies/world objects emit light while on fire.
  • Enemies on overworld map now deal buff damage related to their biome. 
  • Fixed a bug where the player would not take debuff damage if they were holding a weapon with the same buff type. Only armor should be able to block debuff damage.
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