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Latest Build Available For Playtest - V0.4

Pizza Express! - Feed The Horde
A downloadable game for Windows

Well this is my first devlog post, and after switching to this platform from unity connect, I think its about time I use it and get writing down what I have been upto with this latest build.

We Have Sound!

After many versions of having no sound in the game, I have spent this update making that my sole focus. I appologise in advance as I have ZERO musical talent. I first attempted to make the music - (which WILL be changed -- Eventually) using a free software I came across called Bosca Ceoil I found the software to be a little daunting at first but help from a few youtube tutorials and I soon figured it out. The UI and userbility is a little dated, giving that very retro 80's feeling. The only issue I had was it wouldnt save the project sometimes, so that is mainly the reason why the ingame music is looping --BADLY as I had to use audacity to cut the front portion of the main soundtrack I made with Bosca. I will give it another shot in the future.

After getting frustrated and settling for the music as is I went to work on the sound effects. Which were alot of fun. Using Audacity and my mic, adding some reverb and they came out nice. Coming up with the one liners for the deliveries making them universal geographically was the challenging part, but I think I achieved what I intended.

Time To Turn That Music Down!

Now that we had sound in the game, I had to give the player a way to turn down the sound. This posed a problem and a question. I have 2 seperate sounds in the game, music and effects. How do I turn them down independantly? after a quick google search and reading of the unity manual I come across a stackoverflow post of this exact problem, and using mixers, enabled me to map the different sounds to different sliders and audio lines.

The next step was to create a way for the user to interact with the sliders and effect the sound being output. So I added an options menu accessable from the main menu screen, and made the pause menu actually function by giving it its own UI, and the same sliders to adjust on the fly. The one issue I came across was being able to keep the current slider setting from one menu to the next, after some thought, I managed to set them before the menu opens and reads those values before displaying the slider.

Looking Ahead

After recieving some play test feedback - Although not as much as I would like, if you wish to try out the game at its current stage you can put your name down for a key to play test by CLICKING HERE to be taken to a google forms page where you can leave your name and email address and be sent a key to your inbox. I plan on balancing the game abit more in line with what has been given to me via the playtesting feedback. After which I will start looking into adding the next major feature of the game which is the upgradable shop system. Allowing you to actually do something with that money.

All of the latest changes in this version can be found below.

v0.4- LATEST

  • Added pause menu ui and an options menu from the main menu screen
  • Added menu and game music -- Im sorry! I have no musical talent
  • Removed menu button animations and mande them change color on hover instead
  • Added sound queues' for delivery crates and fed customers
  • Added voice over sounds to accompany the new delivery icons
  • Added independant audio sliders for music and sound effects - Still a little janky!
  • Re-added particle system to show when you have fed a customer as apparenly it dissapeared
  • Reduced starting money from 100 to 50 - which was the intended amount
  • Fixed a bug where one of the delivery icons was not deactivating
  • Fixed a bug where the above delivery was not being called and activated.
Download Pizza Express! - Feed The Horde
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