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Update to aProgram 1.1 (Alpha)

A downloadable MS-DOS Simulator for Windows

***Sorry if you not understand some words, I'm Brazilian and I learning english!***

This month i've  make a new update for my program, and I added a lot the new commands and fixe bugs. aProgram is a program or a game that simulate a MS-DOS, yes! a MS-DOS of 1980s. The aProgram have very simple commands, it's very easy to use. The objective of this program is be funny and motivator for begginers programmers, like me. You can use a calculator, keep a menssage for another people, open limited programs in your computer and more.

This new update I added new functions and commands to facility the life of user.

Like this:

-Changes in the calculator (Now there is a loop and you need to close it. Before it you not could, because the calculator comes out on its own);
-New program (RandomNumber, this program generates a random number for you, of your choice. You decide where he starts and ends);
-Fix Bugs;
-Updated old lines of code;
-Neat and improved storage system;
-New help messages;
-And much more;

This update is coming, and tomorrow I can launch the aProgram 1.1!

Download now! It's free!

Download aProgram
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