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Developer Update, Week 11

Dev Logs
A downloadable project



  • Add detail to the underground laboratory scene



Technologies, Tools and Resources used:


Tasks Undertaken:

Added detail to the scene, such as props like barrels, terminals and giant cave area towards the end of the level with a platform to move the player up to the next level.


The scene was lacking in detail and required some overhauling, most of the level shape remained the same however.

What we found out:

Unity handles map creation differently from Unreal Engine, for example Unity allows parts of scenes to be dragged together and duplicated with ease. However, Unity does not allow two instances of the same scene to be open at the same time, like some other game engines

Open Issues/Risks:

Through a communication error, another team member ended up working on the underground level without reviewing the progress I had done in my own version of theirs. 


Next week I will have to talk with the other team member about how we are going to approach this issue. Currently it appears that we should combine each other's scenes together to make a much larger scene that uses both of our scenes.

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