is community of indie game creators and players


Dialog system, Level loop and Attack mode etc...

A browser game made in HTML5

UP 16/05/2020:

Some fixes and added a sword attack , dosent work correctly yet (Player gets hit will hiting enemies  '^^, if someone can tell me how it's possible, seems that the hitboxes melt with the collider of tha player and inherit of it's tag ?? first time i see that )

Added a dialog system

There is now a small "level loop", you can finish Level 1 , though it's super short.

Next steps:  improve al this and make less ugly visuals  :D

I'll try to make a devlog once a week to say what's new etc...

Thanks to those who played already and the kind review  :) 


  • 20 MB
    May 16, 2020
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