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Red Dungeon #4: It's A Process

Red Dungeon
A downloadable game



Hey everyone, it’s Roland! Sorry for missing yesterday. We took a day off for Mother’s Day but we’ll be right back on track in the coming weeks.


You play as the Outsider, a Spanish knight being called to a medieval European kingdom by a king in need of your expertise. He sends you into a dungeon in which his men keep mysteriously missing. It’s your job to get to the bottom of this. You soon uncover secrets of necromancy, time travel, witchcraft, and more. 


We approach the story in a semi-serious way. What I mean by that is we write a story that takes itself seriously, even though the subject matter or dialogue itself may be a little over the top and silly. We know the audience might find the story a little silly or campy but if the characters don’t take the story seriously then we feel that it’s a loss of investment from the audience. 


It’s important to take influence in every aspect of a game. For our story influence, we take from other medieval stories and form that into our own sort of campy/cheesy story that also takes itself seriously. I don’t consume a lot of medieval/fantasy media, but the stuff that I have seen, always sticks with me. For the story of this game, I took a lot of influence from Pestilence (2017 - 2018), a graphic novel series about zombies in a medieval fantasy era. The style of story is taken from early PS1 games such as Resident Evil (1996) and Metal Gear Solid (1998). We also take visual influence from those early Resident Evil games in terms of graphics and in design, I personally take some influence in visual design from Overlord (2007), one of my favorite medieval/fantasy games.


Whenever writing anything, be it devlog or otherwise, Jared and I look over each other's work to ensure that we have the same vision and also check for errors or inaccuracies. This is the exact method we use when writing the story. Jared and I make sure to collaborate when it comes to all creative decisions, we feel that this keeps us both satisfied with the direction of the project, and not get discouraged from working on it.


We have yet to actually implement story aspects into the game itself, there are other things that are of a higher priority, but we do know the general workflow that it will take. First, we’ll have to animate story sequences, the animations will then be put into Unity, and any recorded audio or voice clips will be implemented. Any additional cameras or systems will be set up and then the cutscenes will be set in their designated point in the story.


Thanks for bearing with us! Sorry if this week's log was boring, we’ll try to find something more interesting to post next time. I just like to explain our process and give a more in-depth look at some of our processes and methods.

How To Support?

Our social media will be your best bet to get new information about our company. We have recently submitted our game to Steam so the store page should be coming soon. Our Twitter is @ComicGamesTm and Instagram is @officialcomicgames. Red Dungeon’s twitter is @PlayRedDungeon. Lastly, you can join the discord where you can talk to the developers and fellow Red Dungeon fans:

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