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Version 0.2.1 (Interested in having a party member?)

Rewind: A Looping History
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

So, a week after the long process of implementing the battle structure and sprite animations, we now have the first weekly content/polishing update in a very long time. This version is focused on Lani and the party system, while also implementing a shop to buy and sell things (finally!).  Again, this is content that was originally intended to be part of version 0.2, so it's still very barebones. I've added Lani's bedroom to the house so that you can at least drop by and see it. I think it looks pretty good.

Next week, I'm going to continue my push to add in features that were cut in order to get this out to players sooner. We'll be adding additional content into the Temple (a shop, as well as some scenes and side characters to go along with level increases), and of course, there will be more polishing of the battle system.

Version 0.2.1:
- It is now possible to invite Lani into your adventuring party (must have defeated her in two sparring matches AND attempted at least one adventure guild quest before the option appears in her afternoon training dialogue). She's heavy on speed, and her enemy-variant has a 95% crit rate, but her base attack is relatively low, so you shouldn't have too much trouble beating her.
- Lani's bedroom has been added into the game. No content other than the environment and some basic dialogue interactions right now.
- The guild shop is now open and ready for business (possible to buy two pieces of armor (for Liam) right now, and to sell monster drops.
- Inventory now accurately counts items. Any previous inaccuracy will become permanent when you load your file, so if you had 500 wolf pelts, the next time you get one you'll have 501.
- Crystal drops have slightly increased in probability.
- Critical damage modifier has been lowered (from 150% to 50%).
- Dodging remains hugely overpowered until the next update.
- Temple level errors have been corrected (getting to level 4 no longer results in an error).
- The Temple now pays you for your services (dialogue in the temple has not been changed to accurately reflect this fact yet).
- Chicken now refreshes upon your death.
- Inventory spin graphics have been added for Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Wolf Crystal, and Chicken Crystal items.
- Inventory spin graphics now load above the semi-transparent background.

Known Problems with v0.2.1:
- Lani's sprite is not the same scale as Liam's sprite in battle window.
- Dodging remains hugely overpowered.
- No way to access Lani's stats in the inventory menu (but upon her leveling up, you can see them).
- Damage amount needs to be scaled better.


  • Rewind_v0.2.1_Android 378 MB
    May 10, 2020
  • 368 MB
    May 10, 2020
  • 386 MB
    May 10, 2020
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