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Interior Inception

Fallen Worlds (2020)
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey Guys!

One aspect of Falling Worlds that greatly increases the exploration aspect of the world, is the fact that every building on the map also has a unique interior to go along with it. Meaning that as well as no two buildings being the same, no two interiors are the same. 

The only challenge that comes with our oblique angle is that interiors are not that simple to make. For some of the basic house interiors, they are kept relatively simple. They are just one single room decorated to fit the exterior of the home. For the more complex interiors such as the hospital, we need to place interiors inside of interiors. If we were using a top-down point of view the rooms would’ve been able to all be connected, but our angle restricts us.


To work around the restriction my solution was to break up all the buildings interiors into their own separate rooms. So, I would start with the main room or hallway of the buildings. From there I would then place all the doors that are supposed to lead to rooms. Then on a separate artboard, I would design the interiors for all the rooms that go behind the doors. So, when it is all put together the player starts walking down the main hallway, then when they open a door, a new scene load and they’re in the new room, then when they go back out the door they are loaded back into the main hallway.


In my opinion, this was the only way to create multi-room interiors without suddenly switching to a top-down perspective. Unfortunately, as a result of the angle, my creativity was slightly restricted because I was not able to put a wall behind the player or a ceiling. I also had to simplify a lot of game design’s interiors because they were designed as top-down interiors and a lot of their designs just wouldn't work. So, creating interior within interiors I was able to include the required rooms for quest and give the player as much space to explore as possible.


Download Fallen Worlds (2020)
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