Devlog 5 - May 2020 [Pre-Release!]
We're getting close to the finish line, here! At this point I'm finishing up playtesting and getting everything ready for release. If you haven't checked the game page recently, give it a look! It's gotten a big overhaul.
The game will be releasing this month! I haven't announced the release date yet, but am planning on doing so this upcoming Saturday, the 9th.
Here's some details about the final games:
- 5 playable characters, 4 of which are unlockable
- 2 game modes: standard and custom
- Custom lets you choose your starting location and spell loadout, so it's great for theory-crafting
- Standard has three difficulty levels, novice, journeyman, and Master. Novice is the default difficulty, which starts you with a lot of money. Journeyman reduces that starting money down, and Master introduces more difficult enemies early in the game.
- The game tracks your wins with a hall of fame. The hall of fame saves the spell loadout you had when you win, as well as the mode, character, and difficulty level if applicable. It will also track total wins and total deaths
- Secret level with secret rewards!
- 72* spells to discover, with tons of interesting interactions and combinations. I look forward to seeing people's discoveries!
Also, as a reminder, 9 Till Void also has a Steam Page! Here's a link to that if you'd like to wishlist it.