is community of indie game creators and players


Quality of Life changes

Protect The Planet
A browser game made in HTML5

I had a lot of amazing feedback in my first version of the game.  I have taken most of them and made some changes.  The following has been changed or added.  

Waves - you can now see what wave you are on at the top of the screen.

Build Platforms - a lot of people were confused by this or kept getting mixed up with how many they had.  Platforms is labeled at the top of the screen and it now shows you how many you have compered to how many you can build.

Destroy defense items - some people encountered bugs where the laser or vacuum was unable to be placed on the planet or they double clicked the purchase button and  one of them would be hidden behind the interface.  Now there is a destroy uninstalled defense item button.  If the defense item has not been installed (permanently fixed to the planet)  you can destroy it.

Purchasing and installing defense items - I knew this would cause some issues when i implemented but i only had so much time for the game jam.  Now when you purchase a defense item you can just drag it over to the planet.  The moment you click purchase the item is attached to the mouse.  No more double clicking mistakes or annoyingly having to select the item twice to drag it over.  Just click purchase and drag.

Overlapping of defense items - You can no longer overlap defense items.  If they are overlapping the one you are trying to install will show up as red and it wont install.

Planet and Asteroid speed - in some cases depending how many items were on the screen the asteroids and planet would slow down.  This has been fixed now.  It may seem faster but this is the intended speed.

Hard start - Some people were having a difficult time getting past the first two waves.  I have increased the amount of defense fund on hand.  In the future the amount you get back will be decreased to make the game challenging as it is too easy now once you get past wave 3.


  • LD46 -Protect theplanet - web 6 MB
    May 01, 2020
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