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My First Game

Bandit Attack
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey there random person on the internet!

     I always wanted to make a game all by myself and guess what?..I made a game in unity and I am not supposed to give my personal opinion but I think It's kinda cool!

    So, after watching a lot of Youtube tutorials I decided that unity is the best game engine suited for me (please so not start fighting the unity vs unreal war I am a total noob and would not understand a single thing). Then, I just had to program a Game well, that's easy no problem... you just have to stay up all night fixing errors and sometimes you start dreaming about the errors! But that's all good, I can do that, but the main problem I faced was, to find art for my game. Being a normal human being, my drawing is really Bad.. on the flip side though, being a normal human being, I learned to draw using a mouse in Photoshop (I do not have a drawing tablet and I did not earn enough to buy one, I am an engineering student with a laptop and no money stuck in his room during the lock down). I made the backgrounds of the levels myself but character drawing and animation was kinda too hard for me also I wanted to get started at the game and not waste time drawing characters...

After some research, I found this site and Oh boy... was this so useful!

All the character sprites in my game have been taken from this site (all of them are free to use!)

    Then I faced my second problem, Sound Design. I know how to play the piano a little bit, but I have zero experience in sound design.At first, I thought about finding the soundtrack on  that site just like I found my character sprites, but I did not find a soundtrack that fit particularly well with my Game. Then, I watched some random YouTube tutorials and BAM! Just like that I made two original soundtracks for my game using FL Studio (True Story). Okay, now we got art and music, I started programming the game and placing assets and stuff, the game took around one month to finish and another week to polish. During the polish phase I found this amazing site where you get free sound effects which enhanced the game feel. Also During the development I watched a lot of Game Design videos (As you should have guessed by now I watch a lot of YouTube) and learned a lot of things. I found out that my game lacks what Game Developers called "Game Juice". My game is more of a static strategy puzzle type, so I could not add much screen shake and all those other fancy effects (will add them in my next game).

    Finally, I published the game here and on the Google Play Store (I have just published the game, google takes around a week or so for reviewing so it will be out soon).This is my first time writing a Devlog (you should have known by now), I will keep updating this probably. 

This game was made just to get the basic knowledge of unity and stuff. I will create something original/unique after this.

Thanks for reading this, hope this helped  someone, Check out the  THE GAME.  Also I am open to constructive criticism (what I should have done instead of what I have done) also, advice on how to do better is  highly appreciated.

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