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Polished Version DevLog

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

What's New:
The Gym - Added a new timer-based level
Scene transitions - Added slick transitions between scenes
Hallway visuals - Updated the sprites in the hallway level and added decorations
Dust Bunny updates - The Dust Bunny enemy has new, cuter sprites and animations, and now must be mopped to be killed
Trash Can visuals - Trashcans have new sprites and a a floating indicator
Spray bottle fixes - Fixed an issue where the spray attack would sometimes not fire
Perspective fixes - Fixed rendering order and colliders to more accurately depict the camera's perspective
Movement - Children and enemies now move idly
Minimap - Minimap prototype added
Door spawners - Enemies can now spawn out of doors

What's Next:
Longer tutorial - Longer tutorial with smoother guidance
Lore - More backstory and short cutscenes
Menu screen - Main menu with logo, art, credits, and "how to play"
Boss fights - One or two major boss fights
Balancing - Tweaking game difficulty to ensure a smooth learning curve
Music variety - Adding new music to certain scenes
Principal - Principal will have to chase you to fire you (maybe it will actually happen this week)
More Levels - More basic hallway levels
Minimap updates - clearer and prettier minimap

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