is community of indie game creators and players


Version 1.13

Another RPG Engine
A browser game made in HTML5
  • NEW FEATURE: Aggro targeting! There is now a system for making enemies preferentially target characters based on how much damage they've inflicted. Set the THREAT_TARGETING variable to true in StoryInit to activate it. (Thanks to A Friendly Irin for providing this code.)
  • NEW FEATURE: Limited-use actions. You can now define an action as having a hard limit of uses per battle. By default uses are refilled after battle, but you can change this if you wish. (Thanks to A Friendly Irin for providing this code.)
  • The enemytarget widget has been streamlined and modified to incorporate threat targeting.
  • The name of your game's currency can now be set in StoryInit and will display any time currency is referenced. By default, the name is "GP".
  • Added getters for assigning XP and GP rewards to enemies.
  • Added getters for growthRates and StatTable for Puppets.
  • Added a getter and setter for the dead property that automatically resets respawn and threat values when appropriate.
  • Added a Puppet method function: hasAction. This checks if the Puppet has an action of the given name.
  • deathcheck now adds defeated enemies' XP and GP rewards to the battle total.
  • Puppets now have kill and defeat counters that are incremented in deathcheck. They aren't currently displayed anywhere, but they're there if you want to use them.
  • The party menu now displays the player's GP.
  • Implemented a more robust victory handler. The victory screen now displays XP and GP rewards, displays the effects of any level ups, and auto-forwards the player to a passage that can be specified in the encounter definition but defaults to the passage the battle was entered from. (Thanks to A Friendly Irin for providing this code.)
  • The default level up handler is now neater and more robust.
  • levelRate, growthRates, and StatTable have been changed to database properties, accessed through Puppet getter functions.
  • endofbattle now sets a flag recording that the encounter was fought. You can access these flags through the encounters variable.
  • deathcheck will now remove effects only if they aren't persistent, not only if they are.
  • The check for legal action use has been moved from the hotkey code into the {{{<<actionLink>>}}} macro directly.
  • The Q key now triggers the link in the confirm phase rather than just forwarding the player to the action phase. This is useful if you want the confirm link to perform additional code.
  • The code for actionlist now looks a bit neater.
  • Updated documentation.


  • rpgengine 5 MB
    Apr 07, 2020
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