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Day 2 - Movement, Pixels, Camera, and becoming a Vampire.

Fungi Garden
A downloadable game

Day 2 of development.

Today I started working at 23:50 and worked through the night like some kind of vampire, but in a more accurate way, like a bloody eejit.

Me: "I don't want to work on it too much tonight..."
10 hours pass.
Also Me: "This was a successful session!".

I seem to have fallen in to a bad habit of pulling all-nighters for this project. I do not support or condone this silliness, please do not emulate me! I aim to rectify my sleeping pattern post-haste and get back to a more reasonable, healthy and sustainable pattern of sleep and work. Strange times affect us all differently I guess. Enough about me though, let's talk about the project!

My todo list was small. Here it is:

Todo on Day 2

[x] Track player
[x] Pixel perfect (displays sharp edges for pixel art on larger, scaled up resolutions)
[x] + Build and tested

[x] Movement - Iterate on new traversal approach.
[x] + Add Trails
[x] + Fix Trail animation states <-- Next

As you can see, I got it all done! But instead of taking 2-4 hours, it took me 9 hours and 40 minutes to get to this point of uploading a build with the various updates!

I'm a visual guy, that's how I like to think. Here's my little sketch from the beginning of the stream that I used to figure out exactly what I wanted to achieve. Yes, it looks like it was drawn by a child using crayons too big for their tiny hands. My wacom finally decided to break, so I had to use my mouse. In any case, enjoy!

Here you can see the idea that mushrooms sprout at the location of the player, and as you move away they die and go back into the earth.

They appear like a kind of mushroom trail, and I'm delighted to have been successful in making it. Even if it took three times longer than I hoped to do.

I've lots yet to learn. Streaming has been a fantastic help too. Honestly there are some fantastic folks who have been helping me out.


During the development of this game, I am streaming my learning experience on twitch. Here's a huge shoutout to @NewJoker6 and other amazing, helpful and friendly folks in the twitch livestream, (you know who you are!), thank you so much!

It's been great fun having some company during the live-stream in this weird and wonderful learning journey, especially in these strange times of social isolation. If you would like to drop by for a look and a some relaxed chat you are most welcome!

Now I just need to learn how to learn unity during daylight hours and I'll be sorted!

Stay safe folks.


  • 17 MB
    Apr 07, 2020
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