Posted April 06, 2020 by wei
hey everybody! thank you so much for the support PAUSE & EFFECT has received! :)
we've already announced this on our tumblr, but we're planning an update to the current demo as it was made for a game jam and is thus on the somewhat rushed side. though the game most likely won't be finished for a while, an updated demo would give us a way to better introduce players to the world of PAUSE & EFFECT and offer them a more in-depth taste of what the finished game will look like.
- 3 new areas, at least 2 of which will be battle zones!
- at least 5 new enemy designs.
- updated tiles, and additional NPCs with each new area.
- a set of talksprites for one of the prominent NPCs introduced in the early demo.
- completed flavor text for the bakery, as well as a lot more to be introduced with the new areas.
- and finally, the reveal of the previously non-introduced, main ‘mystery’ element in PAUSE & EFFECT!