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0.2.3 Update Free Edition!

Angelica`s Temptation From the Beginning
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


Save/Load:  The number of saving files will increase from 8 to 16 per Data slot, and the number of data slots also increased from 6 to 16.

Fixed 4 broken animations from the previous update, totaling 117 images rendered.

This update adds: 10k+ Words, 234 still images and 3 animations, totaling 310.

Render total(with fixes and all): 427 Renders!

Obs.: This update ends the splitting of the 10 routes, and sets up the story for new choices that will come for each route in the next update. So we have a more story focuses update this time.


  • Angelica' 716 MB
    Mar 31, 2020
  • Angelica' 699 MB
    Mar 31, 2020
Download Angelica`s Temptation From the Beginning
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