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Stay at Home Sale + Secrets

BFF or Die
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Staying at home gives you the chance to play more local multiplayer games with the people you live with \o/ 

In our apartment, my partner and I have been playing a bunch of stuff while we're on the sofa, tucked under a blanket together. For us it's a cozy way to experience something interesting together. She's not really a gamer but I choose games for us to play that I know she'd enjoy.

The reason we made BFF or Die is to because we wanted to make an experience that makes you enjoy and appreciate the time you spend with the person sitting next to you.

It's on sale now for a couple of weeks as, obviously, a lot of people around the world have been told to stay at home and not go out except to buy food. Rather than worry about our temporary inhibition of freedom, let's enjoy the time as best we can and support our friends and families as needed.

In other BFF or Die news... secret things are happening over here at our ASA Studio base. Can't say much right now... but in the near-future our Station may Switch to a variety of Boxes..!


Shaz (game designer)

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