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Still more fixes

Bastions' Undertaking (DEMO)
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

So, I know I posted an updated file less than 24 hours ago, but it has been noted that there were still several fixes left to make in the demo, some of which made it very frustrating to complete the demo. I certainly do not wish for the demo to be overly aggravating, although I do wish for it to have some form of challenge. Walking such a fine line can be quite difficult, so please bare with me as I try my best to find a way to "even out the playing field", so to speak. So, with this most recent update the following has been changed:

-All enemies beyond those in the first area have been scaled down a bit, for the sake of fairness on the player's part, and a particular enemy has had a paralyzing ability taken away (said ability at this point in the game was very unreasonable and very easily led to game over in most cases).

-A particular boss fight has been scaled down in means of strength and defense, making it where the player does not just "scratch" the opponent and the opponent does not dish out colossal damage.

-A certain scene has been edited to better portray an important plot point that was accidentally overlooked.

-Experience scaling for every character has been decreased, so it requires a lesser amount of experience for a character to level up.

-Enemies have also had their experience and Veta (gold) given increased, making it where grinding for levels is faster and battles are a more proper level of rewarding, at least as far as Veta (gold) is concerned.

-Consumable items in the shops, such as healing/status recovery items or items used to inflict enemies with status effects, have been given a lower Veta (gold) cost, making them more affordable and lowering the risk of not having the needed items for a battle of any kind.

-Poison damage can no longer kill the player outside of battle. Poison damage will cease at 1 HP while traversing the world.

-When an ability has caused an enemy to counter attacks 100% of the time, a status symbol will appear over said enemy's head while they are capable of countering, letting the player know that it is not safe to attack.

-A small dialogue has been added to a boss fight.

-The color for quest related items has been changed from a dark purple to a lighter purple, making it a bit easier to see.

With all of that presented, I truly hope the demo will become more enjoyable and less stressful to anyone who plays it. Here's hoping that there are no further glaring issues with the demo, but if there are, I will take it upon myself to fix what I can and post an update of it here in the Devlogs. Thank you so much for baring with me and, like always, let me know if any issues occur so that I can try my best to tackle them.

Download Bastions' Undertaking (DEMO)
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