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Even more fixes

Bastions' Undertaking (DEMO)
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hey, everyone. Just here to let you all know that after having a close friend of mine test my demo, said friend made a few points very clear to me. With that said, I have applied a few more updates that will make the beginning far more playable and less aggravating, such as:

- When starting as just Juro (the main character), any enemy group encountered will only have 1 enemy.

- All common enemies found within the demo have been downgraded a bit. Their Strength/Magic Attack and Defense/Magic Defense has been reduced, making the fights more fair and a tad bit faster to grind through.

- A healing save crystal has been added to the very beginning of the Haizae Forest, making the very first section completely grind-able to the player's content.

- A few quality of life changes, such as a mini tutorial of sorts within the first minute of gameplay that will describe the use of the warp statues and save crystals, a small scene at the end of the forest that makes light of something that was previously unexplained, and Juro having use of a minor healing spell in his "Minor Mysticism" skill bracket at the very beginning.

With these improvements done, I am hoping that the demo itself will be far more enjoyable now and will not push anyone away due to an absurd and accidental difficulty spike. With that said, I would like to sincerely apologize to anyone who had to slog through these issues in previous releases of my demo and I hope this will make your play time far more enjoyable. As always, thank you all and, please, do not hesitate to let me know of anything that might seem off so that I can try my best to fix it and make my demo, as well as the full game, more enjoyable for everyone.

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