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Meshes and more!

Ship IT!
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey folks!

It's been a week, and a lot has happened! Not only with the current global pandemic, which I'm sure you all heard and read enough of by now, but also with are ambitious little game project.

Let's start with the visual stuff: we got meshes! Huzzah! Our artists have been hard at work to provide us with unique models, with a unique style that hopefully lodges the game's imagery into the memory of our players. The robots are rough and worn, with the player robot looking like a trusty non-threatening delivery unit and the enemy models far more threatening baddies in sizes small and super mean. The ship gives the impression of being retrofitted times and again for purposes of flight, with individual rotors and a few engines latched on.

Now the less visual stuff: what have our programmers been up to?

Well mostly tweaking and perfecting the basics. The grab system got an overhaul, split into multiple components. Managers are being added for a nice overview of every possible manageable thing in the game. We got managers for cargo, managers for players, managers for enemies, managers for managers? Although they are currently giving us a bit of a headache, these will help us adapt the pace and difficulty of the game in later stages.

Gameplay-wise we added a little something that might have a big impact: BARRELS! "Isn't this just a different type of cargo?", I hear you asking. Well, yes. But one that you will be chasing along the deck while it keeps rolling over. Luckily, picking it up allows you to drop it in an orderly fashion, buying you some time before it topples over again. Or you can build a barricade around your round cargo with the other more stable cargo? But then again, try and do that while the baddies jump on your ship from above! (Yes they do that now!)

We now aim to get the base done as soon as we can, so we can start adding some of the more exotic features. We can't wait to have our trusty bots load deck weapons to shoot at the incoming ship (did I tell the baddies to come on ships now?) or have a clumsy bot ride the ship into some air balloon. But for now, they can focus on keeping that cargo on the ship!

Thanks for reading!

See you later mateys!


  • 21 MB
    Mar 18, 2020
Download Ship IT!
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