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Version 2 Release

Eldritch Academy
A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

A little while back, I created an updated version of Eldritch Academy that was released as a "beta" on Steam. This version tries to fix some of the pacing issues with the game, particularly early on. Since I've yet to see any issues come up with the Steam version, that build is now available as an optional download here.

It's been a while since I worked on this build, but the major changes should be:

  • Several Act 1 scenes have been trimmed down or removed. This particularly affects the repeat fights.
  • The last three date choices (Act 3) are now automatic based on which route you are locked into. The Act 2 ending scene now reflects the locked route for all routes, not just the special route.
  • All partner choices have been removed as redundant. Fights and investigations will now be the same in all routes, and thus can be skipped more easily after finishing one route.
  • With the reduced number of choices in Acts 1-3, those choices no longer affect the paired endings. Getting a paired ending now simply requires two correct choices in Act 4, while failing this will trigger the Nightmare ending.
  • Numerous tweaks to dialogue to reflect these changes.

Hopefully these changes will make it a bit easier to get into the game, since a lot of the "filler" content is now gone and the impact of choices are a bit more clear. Let me know if you spot any bugs or errors caused by the changes, and please enjoy the game!


  • Eldritch Academy [RELEASE 2 - PC-MAC] 158 MB
    Mar 17, 2020
Download Eldritch Academy
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