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Oblique interiors

Fallen Worlds (2020)
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey guys!
Good news! Our beautiful farm builds now have impeccable interiors that complement the builds perfectly. The interiors are a big part of the farm because we want our players to not only be able to explore outside the farm, but also inside of the farm. Our interiors are single room, but they are themed to the exterior of the building. For example, if the building is infected, then the inside is also infected, but it's still liveable. It was tough to create a balance between the level of infectivity outside and inside the buildings but I feel like I did a pretty good job. One other challenge I faced when making the interiors was deciding whether or not I should create ceilings for the interiors. Ultimately, I decided that with our oblique angle a ceiling would make the rooms look more claustrophobic, and ruin the angle. 

The first interior was the most difficult, because I needed to figure out an appropriate size for the room, and figure out how much of an angle I wanted. After a lot of moving and tweaking, I finally created a shell that I could duplicate and reuse for the other building exteriors. One lesson I learned from creating the wheat is that when exporting as a PNG it compresses everything and ruins layers. So to allow the player to fully move around the interior I exported any furniture next to the interior instead of inside the interior. This way when it is placed into Unity the programming team can cut out the furniture assets and better implement the.

Next, I am going to move onto the train station. first I'm going t finish any assets, then build out the actual train station itself. Wish me luck.

Download Fallen Worlds (2020)
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