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Creating health system

A downloadable game for Windows

Hi, the next update will be bigger, and its release will be a little delayed.

But today, instead of update, I would like to show a couple of ideas on how to create a health system in the game. 

Please note: i am not a native english speaker, so yeah, this text may contain some errors.

I come with 3 ideas:

  1. Simple health system(Only heal/get damage)
  2. Health system with part damage modificator(Headshot,leg shot, etc)
  3. Coming from the second, every part have own hp.

We all started with something and usually people add a health system directly to the character.
Something like this,

Yeah, i know you don't do this

and so for each character of a monster, etc. We are lazy people and every time we dont want to write the same thing.
Therefore, we will create a special class that will do everything for us if we need to interact with the health of the object. Okay let's start.


First of all, create new script and name it like "HealthManager" or something like that.

Also you can delete "using UnityEngine".

Now let's write standart code what we usually using,

public class HealthManager
    private float health = 100f;
    //Class contructor, we need it for create custom health like monster with 200hp and etc
    public HealthManager(float h)  
        health = h;
    //void for character damage
    public void HealthDamage(float damage)
        health -= damage;
    //void for character heal
    public void HealthHeal(float heal)
        health += heal;
    //for display out current health
    public float OurHealth()
        return health;
    //if we don't want call OurHealth() every time, we can just check is player dead
    public bool IsDead()
        return health <= 0;

Okay, all done. What's next ? Now let's put this heath manager to our character.

And try it out.

Great! All things worked. Now you can just attach HealthManager class to all your monsters and make them suffer.

Health system with part damage modificator(Headshot,leg shot, etc)

Now let's modify our system to be more realistic. For this we need separate all body parts, and think about how many damage will we recieve.

public class HealthManager
    //Create bodyparts
    public Health hp;
    public BodyPart head;
    public BodyPart torso;
    public BodyPart rightHand;
    public BodyPart leftHand;
    public BodyPart rightLeg;
    public BodyPart leftLeg;
    //Set damage modificator for out parts and how many hp we have.
    public HealthManager(float health, float headMod, float torsoMod, float rightHandMod, float leftHandMod, float rightLegMod, float leftLegMod)
        hp = new Health(health);
        head = new BodyPart(headMod, hp);//We need link our health with part, so we provide Health object for it
        torso = new BodyPart(torsoMod, hp);
        rightHand = new BodyPart(rightHandMod, hp);
        leftHand = new BodyPart(leftHandMod, hp);
        rightLeg = new BodyPart(rightLegMod, hp);
        leftLeg = new BodyPart(leftLegMod, hp);
public class BodyPart
    float damageModificator;//our damageModificator
    Health hp;
    public BodyPart(float damageMod,Health health)//Constuctor, we don't use it themself
        damageModificator = damageMod;
        hp = health;
    public void DoDamage(float damage)
    { -= damage * damageModificator;
public class Health//Health class, need for link all parts with one hp bar
    public float health;
    public Health(float hp)
        health = hp;
    public float ShowHp()
        return health;

OMG,looks scary... You may ask, how i can remember what i need write in code ? For this Visual Studio(and i think others) have hints

Okay,let's try it out.

100-27=73.Yes that's correct.

Every part have own hp

Just change Health class to float,yes that's all

public class HealthManager
    //Create bodyparts
    float hp;
    public BodyPart head;
    public BodyPart torso;
    public BodyPart rightHand;
    public BodyPart leftHand;
    public BodyPart rightLeg;
    public BodyPart leftLeg;
    //Set damage modificator for out parts and how many hp we have.
    public HealthManager(float health, float headMod, float torsoMod, float rightHandMod, float leftHandMod, float rightLegMod, float leftLegMod)
        hp = health;
        head = new BodyPart(headMod, hp);//We need link our health with part, so we provide Health object for it
        torso = new BodyPart(torsoMod, hp);
        rightHand = new BodyPart(rightHandMod, hp);
        leftHand = new BodyPart(leftHandMod, hp);
        rightLeg = new BodyPart(rightLegMod, hp);
        leftLeg = new BodyPart(leftLegMod, hp);
public class BodyPart
    float damageModificator;//our damageModificator
    public float hp;
    public BodyPart(float damageMod,Health health)//Constuctor, we don't use it themself
        damageModificator = damageMod;
        hp = health;
    public void DoDamage(float damage)
        hp -= damage * damageModificator;

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