is community of indie game creators and players


Devlog 1 (Dionis)

Snack Sneak Attack
A browser game made in HTML5


Q: What were your team’s goals for the past couple of weeks?

A: We wanted to find the best way to make the mechanics work within our idea.

Q: How did you work towards accomplishing those goals?

A: We all discussed what we were good at and gave each other roles depending on what our strengths were. 

Q: Did you?

A: Not yet as we are still working on finding the best way possible.

Q: What has your process been?

A: Communicating with the team as much as possible to make sure everything turns out fine.

Q: What are your goals for the next week? (regarding your area of expertise}

A: Get some artwork done for textures or other assets for the game.

Q: How will you go about accomplishing those goals?

A: Coming up with interesting designs.


Q: What were you playtesting?

A: Movement system.

Q: What did you want to learn?

A: How to get good movement.

Q: Who were your playtesters?

A: Fellow classmates.

Q: What did you observe?

A: They liked the movement.

Q: What feedback did you receive?

A: Movement was a little blocky for a stealth game.

Q: What, if anything, will you do with the feedback?

A: Improve the game.

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