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Farm Buildings Finished!

Fallen Worlds (2020)
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey all!

Just an update on the art development for the farm. After a short struggle with the game's unique angle, I've finally finished producing the farm's buildings for the first playable. Next, I'm going to start working on other environmental assets such as wheat fields, fences, and cow pens, but this should not be as challenging as the buildings. One challenge when producing the buildings was making each of the farmhouses and barns unique from each other. In order to make sure each building was different I used different colors but stuck to the same grungy color pallet. All the buildings maintain the same theme of being infected and run down, but I  made sure to not replicate the infection or holes on any of the buildings.  Down below is a sample of some of the art that will be found within the world. ENJOY!


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